One of the mornings that we were moving in we went to the closest bagel joint, grabbed some bagels, and kept working away. These bagels were not good. So when the Mr. suggested we grab some more of said bagels the next day, I threw on the brakes at hit the interwebs to find some real bagels. It took a lot to convince him that those bagels weren't that great and that instead of two blocks, we should walk almost a mile for a bagel. Then, once we got there there was a line. He was not feeling this little escapade "how much better can they possibly be". But then, all of the frustration melted after he took his first bite and he saw the light. So now I've got the Mr. well on his way to being a real New York bagel snob and in the mean time I'm now trying to convince him that we don't have to go to Murrays every day.

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