Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Food Finds: Mrs. Renfro's Ghost Salsa

Welcome to "Food Finds" a new feature here on Newbie Foodies.

This weekend we were perusing Key Food's salsa aisle for our Memorial Day bash when we found Mrs. Renfro's Ghost Pepper Salsa. True heat-seakers swear by ghost pepper aka the hottest chile known to man, but up until now I've been too scared to try it. This seemed safe since it is a regulated amount and being sold in a large chain store. After trying it, I am actually kind of surprised that they do! This stuff is H-O-T and I am loving it! This is the first food that has actually made me cry because it was so spicy. 

So if you are a spice seeker like me and never quite get the burn you long for, make sure to keep an eye out for this product at your local store.

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