Wednesday, June 15, 2011

LA Edition: Umami Burger

Truffle Burger

The Mr is the resident burger expert of Newbie Foodies and I am usually quite satisfied with just a bite of his burger. When I do treat myself to a burger, it's usually of the veggie or turkey variety, and I'm usually all about the lettuce, tomato, ketchup and pickles. The Umami Burgers are just bun, meat, and cheese, so I wasn't sure if I would enjoy it that much.

Holy Cow! This is one of the best burgers I have ever tasted! Although I really wanted to order the "Umami Burger" as I tend to get dishes named after the dining establishment, I simply could not resist the "Truffle Burger". I also really appreciated the size of the burger- it's a little bit bigger than a slider, so it left me full without being overly stuffed.

We also got an order of Truffle Fries to split, but those are not pictured since we couldn't hold back long enough to snap a photo (don't judge until you are faced with the same situation). For the second time in my trip, I found myself experiencing a mix of emotions as I was elated by the amazing dish in front of me, yet was saddened that The Mr wasn't here to experience it. Oh well, this only further cements my resolve to come back soon with him!

Umami Burger on Urbanspoon

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